Projects & Progress

Projects & Progress 4

How to suffer less, when you’re struggling with guilt or shame; Sophie’s ‘Get real and get down to it’ challenge re scheduling; why no Dream Authors are ‘failed’ Dream Authors; how to go from a no progress ; inner coach versus inner critic – how to know the difference and why it matters.

Projects & Progress 3

How to know if you should press on until the end of a draft or go back and edit before finishing; how to structure a thriller plot; how to deal with aspects of your plot that might be considered far-fetched.

Projects & Progress 2

When it feels as if it’s taking nightmarishly long to finish your book; should you apply for grants that will enable you to write full time, and what if you don’t get them?: sprucing up a self-help proposal to maximise its commercial potential: when your writing group submission deadlines aren’t regular enough: why it’s sometimes a great sign if you don’t want to tell your agent what you’re up to; when will the Dream Author Experience Slack Channel appear?: when you’ve had a series of disappointments: treat planning to cheer yourself up.

Projects & Progress 1

In this call, Sophie and Dream Authors discuss their current projects and their plans for making progress. Also: how to tackle our fear of starting; Dream Author online writing retreats; how being a people-pleaser/upholder can lead to a desire to rebel against your own dreams and goals.