Projects & Progress

Projects & Progress 23

What is the purpose of the Projects and Progress/Experiential Results calls? What they are, and how to approach them; choosing what to write:do you need to do another writing course?; Sophie’s plans, project-wise and experiential; how to prioritise and move forward?; how to make sure overwhelm doesn’t halt progress; choosing where to put your creative energy – into which project?; when an hour a day to write suddenly seems like not enough.

Projects & Progress 22

The advantages of Wrong Order Writing; the benefits of Try It and See; how to handle past and present timelines when you want to make the present day one more prominent; Ursula LeGuin’s daily schedule, and what we can learn from it; two podcast recommendations.

Projects & Progress 21

Progress, projects, updates, Sophie’s new way of writing which is *amazing* and much better than her old way, and coaching on: when we fear our next book will be a disappointment, and how to visit the worst case scenario in the future in order to disempower it.

Project & Progress 19

Sophie live coaches two Dream Authors; How to have the ‘Present Moment Lee Child’ experience!; Sophie’s thoughtword around making a movie – was it more/harder thoughtwork than usual?

Guest Speaker – Bec Evans

How to stay resilient while developing, writing and submitting your books; how to choose between ideas; should you stay with your agent when you don’t fancy sending them your new book, even though they’re lovely?; Sophie interviews Bec Evans, author of ‘Written’ – a brilliant book about productivity for writers.

Projects & Progress 18

How to improve a submission letter and synopsis; how to sharpen a blurb (by differentiating between a suspenseful question and the emotion of suspense); how to find suitable comparisons for your book (for submission package purposes); when you feel resigned to failure: why that happens and how to solve for it in order to create success; Sophie comments on a Dream Author’s structural reshuffle of her novel.

Project & Progress 16

Requirements (or suggestions) for the Projects and Progress strand; when you’re worried you won’t love your new book as much as the last one; how to think about spin-offs and standalones; do you need Beta readers?; what to do when a lack of confidence is getting in the way; investing in editorial treatments versus ‘the scientific/theory testing method’

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How to choose between two approaches to the same goal; Unpicking a knotty day job situation; How to stop thinking you need to be/act like a different person in order to achieve your desired result; Dealing with a difficult sister.