Dream Author

How to think and what to do
to make your writing dreams come true


Learn how to apply clear, powerful concepts and take small, regular steps towards making your big, life-changing dreams come true

See what those who’ve done the programme are saying…

“Before I found Dream Author, I had all but given up. Sophie looked at my first few chapters and pitch, reassured me that it was a cracking idea, and gave me some pointers on how to make it jump out. Without her help I think I would have felt too dejected to continue writing. I now have a two-book deal, a hardback out this year and am writing the next one.

Scroll down to read more.


I’m Sophie Hannah and I’d like to welcome you to Dream Author, an immersive fourteen-month coaching programme for writers at any and every level of experience — and also for those of you who want to write and are just waiting for the right encouragement and guidance to get you started.

Change the way you create, experience and approach your writing dreams…

Most of us writers and aspiring writers have dreams in relation to our writing — things we want to achieve; things that would make us feel proud if we managed to make them a reality. That’s great, right?

Well, it would be…if only our writing dreams made us happy. For so many of us, our dreams are not a source of happiness. Instead they cause us stress, guilt, frustration and even shame.

Here’s the great news: all of these feelings are natural and all writers experience them. The problem, though, is that when your writing dreams bring you more anxiety than joy, it affects your resolve and your productivity, and you end up not taking the action you need to take in order to propel your dreams in the right direction so that they can stand a strong chance of coming true.

That’s why I created the Dream Author coaching programme: to teach anyone who is passionate about writing how to change the way they build, think about and pursue their writing dreams, in order to become their own most powerful ally and advocate for the rest of their writing life. And (more great news!) once you’ve learned that skill, it lasts forever.

I can’t wait to show you what Dream Author has to offer! Click the button below to learn more and enrol.

Change the way you create, experience and approach your writing dreams…

Most of us writers and aspiring writers have dreams in relation to our writing — things we want to achieve; things that would make us feel proud if we managed to make them a reality. That’s great, right?

Well, it would be…if only our writing dreams made us happy. For so many of us, our dreams are not a source of happiness. Instead they cause us stress, guilt, frustration and even shame.

Here’s the great news: all of these feelings are natural and all writers experience them. The problem, though, is that when your writing dreams bring you more anxiety than joy, it affects your resolve and your productivity, and you end up not taking the action you need to take in order to propel your dreams in the right direction so that they can stand a strong chance of coming true.

That’s why I created the Dream Author coaching programme: to teach anyone who is passionate about writing how to change the way they build, think about and pursue their writing dreams, in order to become their own most powerful ally and advocate for the rest of their writing life. And (more great news!) once you’ve learned that skill, it lasts forever.

I can’t wait to show you what Dream Author has to offer! Click the button below to learn more and enrol.


Listen to this bonus episode of the members’ podcast in which Sophie talks to Cambridge University creative writing students about how to build resilience as a writer!

Listen to this bonus Dream Author podcast episode all about writers, money and how to stop being scared of people asking you how much you earn!

Dream Author Success Stories

(names have been changed to protect privacy)


When Anna first joined Dream Author, she wasn’t confident enough even to describe herself as a writer! Within a few months of enrolling, and after lots of coaching from Sophie, Anna landed her dream agent, received multiple offers for her book and got a six-figure book deal with a Big Five publisher.


After being told by her agent that the publisher of her first novel would not be interested in her second, Lucy coached herself using all the Dream Author concepts and decided to initiate a conversation with the editor herself. This conversation led to the editor making her a 100k offer for the book that her agent had been sure the editor wouldn’t want to buy at any price.


After feeling neglected and undervalued by her agent, Sally took the Dream Author ‘AWUB’ approach (Action With Unlimited Belief), left her agent and, un-agented and all by herself, secured a three-book deal with a dynamic digital-first publisher who believes in her writing and can’t wait to start marketing and selling her books.


Dave got offered a pre-empt deal of 400k for two books in an auction, after believing he was too old and his sales track record too unimpressive to attract a new editor. Dream Author coaching prompted him to leave his old agent behind and find a new one who could see the potential of his amazing new book idea.

Join Dream Author and see what Sophie’s Action With Unlimited Belief approach can do for you!

Sophie with some Dream Author Retreat participants at Hewenden Mill.

Dream Author is fantastic! One week after I’d been asked to concentrate on “the main things I need to be a successful author”, I had two books accepted for publication! So many thanks to Dream Author for the inspiration to succeed!

Lynne Benton

I can recall more than a few moments on my writing journey when I felt as if I was never going to get anywhere and that I was wasting my time. But Sophie’s fresh perspective on things, clear advice and positive encouragement always kept me going, and today I have been offered a book deal by my dream publisher. It couldn’t – and wouldn’t – have happened without Sophie.”

Nic Aubury

“This course is the best thing (by far) that I have ever done and I have been emailing all my writer friends to say so.

Susannah White

“I am already seeing changes, my husband and family have commented on a positive attitude and a lift in confidence. I can only imagine what six or twelve months of Dream Author will do. This, undoubtedly, is the best money spent on my writing so far.

Ellen Best

“Getting a book published was my dream for decades, yet I was only initially prepared for the writing side of my new job. I hadn’t planned for the wider life changes and personal challenges that come with it — the unpredictability, the exposure, the massive highs and lows. The Dream Author programme has helped me think in a structured way about what I want from my career and how to approach it. Through coaching and challenging, I feel more confident about aiming high, while knowing I’m also improving my resilience to deal with the lows. Sophie shares both her time and her experience very generously and I can’t recommend the Dream Author programme highly enough.

Caroline Hulse

“The Dream Author coaching program put me in the mindset of a successful author from day one. The thought-provoking material and Sophie’s hilarious podcasts are both chock-full of serious industry information. If you’re looking for motivation to take your writing to the next level, you’ll find it here!

Lee Lowery

Here are a few examples of brilliant books by Dream Authors:

Are you a writer, or have you always wanted to write?

“You’re telling yourself it was silly of you to get your hopes up. Why? If something good happens – an early sign that an agent is keen, for example – then it’s absolutely right to get your hopes up. Even better: you could have your hopes up even before you send your manuscript out. And if your manuscript is rejected, you can and must still keep your hopes up in order to work on your next move from a position of rational optimism – to plan most effectively what to do next. It’s only your strategy that needs to change according to the results you get; your hope levels can remain permanently high, unaffected by the kind of exhausting mind drama that writers are so good at creating! Once you truly understand all this, your results improve noticeably.”